The Unknown Tour
A Girls Night of Comedy Worship Speakers
Focused on the Journey through life’s unknowns.
Tickets $18.50 - $28
Senior Sunday
Luke Bunton
Dean Guffey
Reed Holbrook
Kaylee Moore
Riley Prince
Landri Smoot
Jake Watson
Maeson Willis
Ladies' Christmas Party
JNVCC Fellowship Hall
Sign up in foyer to bring a sweet or savory finger food.
Bring a wrapped ornament or decor item for the gift exchange.
Contact Janet Nix at 325-669-7251 to RSVP or to help plan the party.
Teacher Appreciation Dinner
Sign-up sheets for teachers and spouses in Foyer.
Meat catered by Melissa and Bland May.
Special presentation by Sandy and Ellie who traveled the world at age 82.
Welcome Center Open House
Join us for coffee and donuts in the newly constructed Welcome Center!
Middle School Service Project
Take pumpkin bread to a nursing home.
Organizer - Austin & Paige Petree
Men's Night - Disc Golf
Bring a son or a friend. Bring your own meat and a lawn chair.
Contact: Cam Hurst
Baskets & Boards
Ladies’ Night benefiting Noah Project.
Ways to help
Sign up to purchase items for care baskets. Sign up sheet in the foyer.
Show up to assemble baskets.
Form a charcuterie board team for a friendly competition. Teams will bring their own boards and provide the food to be assembled at the event. Boards can be sweet and/or savory. The boards will also serve as the meal.
Contact: Janet Nix - 325-669-7251